Porangahau is a rural school in Central Hawke's Bay and caters for over 64 students from Years 1 to 8.
Porangahau is a rural school in Central Hawke's Bay and caters for over 64 students from Years 1 to 8.
Our vision is that Porangahau students will be resilient and innovative individuals who embrace challenges. As a future focused school, we are committed to providing every child with excellence through a holistic curriculum, high quality teaching and learning opportunities using a range of technologies. Within a culturally diverse and natural learning environment students will work towards becoming active and resourceful members of communities.
Our vision is that Porangahau students will be resilient and innovative individuals who embrace challenges. As a future focused school, we are committed to providing every child with excellence through a holistic curriculum, high quality teaching and learning opportunities using a range of technologies. Within a culturally diverse and natural learning environment students will work towards becoming active and resourceful members of communities.