Our Staff
Principal: Julie Scandrett
Y0-2 Aorangi: Liz Brooks
Y3-5 Taurekaitai: Lisa Wallace
Y5-8 Te Paerahi: Jan McLennan and Julie Scandrett
Office Manager: Courtney Sciascia
Cleaner: Courtney Sciascia
Support Staff: Tracy Kerr, and Helen Stoddart
Healthy Lunch Cooks: Erana Edwards (assisted by Nick) and Yvonne Kuru
Grounds person: Michael Hynes
"Porangahau School is our amazing primary school that is going from strength to strength. It is the heart of our community that is supported by wonderful parents, grand parents and people in the community. We have a fresh new look which lets us have an amazing learning environment for our tamariki. I’m super proud of our awesome Kura and look forward to the years to come to see what kind of heights we can reach together. Nga mihi"
Maymorn Hynes, Past Teacher Aide.
"Our kura is filled with curious and creative tamariki who enjoy new experiences and taking risks in their learning. It's always exciting watching our children explore the different curriculum areas and their successes at Porangahau School with support from their peers, whanau and the wider community."
Whaea Lucy, past Te Awaputahi Teacher.